Is religious faith a mental illness?
People that have such a strong devotion to an imaginary friend should be in mental institutions. A person really has to be sick to think they are worshipping the "one true god". You damned idiots. There is no god. Where the hell is he, huh? None of you came to god through reasoning. You don't believe because there's proof or evidence. You are afraid of death and uncertainty. You think you're special and that there must be something for you in the end. Well there's nothing. We're just animals. Just specks floating on a speck in space. Nothing in the universe cares about us. And I'll tell you the truth, I envy you idiot freaks. You're so convinced of your ability to live through death that no reasoning can shake your retarded faith. Take your blinders off and look around you. You see beauty but you must be looking through a pinhole. Really look around. Where is the beauty. Lets break down what beauty means. Delve into some scientific methodology, beauty is an illusion of the mind.
Update:afraid of the “God fearing” public will find the chemical that the religious brain bathes in. To illustrate that there is a cause for your retarded thinking. I have argued people into tears, yes I am a hateful atheist. I have argued with my own sister who is 7 years older than me. I got her to doubt her faith in goofy things. I know you idiots will think I am evil, but that too is an illusion and also immeasurable.
Update 3:You see evil and I contemplate causes for actions. So on my part there is something wrong with me, but I’d rather turn my attention to people who believe in fairy tales for the moment.
Richard Dawkins calls it "The God Delusion".
He even wrote a book about it!
Beauty's not an illusion of the mind. It's everywhere, you're just too stubborn to look for it. There's proof for God. You're here. I don't care if you say it's all science, it's both. Gid's everywhere but you think to simply to look for him. A lot of things today suck, but that doesn't mean there isn't a God. I just think you should really look around. You might notice something, if you stopped being so critical of everything. And not everything needs proof or evidence. Love doesn't have evidence, nothing you're girl/boyfriend can do that can be proof for it. It's something you feel, but you can't see that. You don't want to believe, but I know you can. That wasn't supposed to be as preachy as it was kaythanks. Anyone, I think that even thought you don't believe, you're going to Heaven, and you'll see. Goodluckkk !
You seem like a very intelligent person. Perhaps this may help. We learn of God through the Holy Scriptures, and we put our trust in them, and they give us new life. So, attempting to tell a Christian that his Scriptures do not change anything is like telling a butterfly his cocoon made no difference. Frankly, speaking, you're a little late. We caterpillars are already butterflies. The Bible has changed us, the cocoon has changed the caterpillar. It is my hope that my illustration will help you to understand in a peaceful way that your words will really have no effect. I also hope that you may find your cocoon someday. For the transition from caterpillar to butterfly illustrates perfectly the value of these words from our Father. "Be still, and know that I am God." You have used a very powerful tool to express yourself - the internet. You type your thoughts and instantly thousands of people all over the world receive your message. But in two weeks, who will be quoting your words? People have been quoting Jesus' words for over 2 thousand years and he simply stood on a hillside talking to a handful of people without even a bullhorn. So, clearly, even just words, when they come from the mouth of a man of God are far more potent than yours. Perhaps you can explain that for me? May God richly bless you in your sincere pursuit of the truth. I will remember you in my prayers.
You're right, in that according to scientific methodolgy, there is no beauty. And even if there were no God, by that reasoning the works of Mozart and Michelangelo and Christie Brinkley (Ok, she's not THAT important, but beauty nonetheless!) would mean nothing. Beauty cannot be quantified, but your nihilist approach to the world is shallow, and your rant/post reflects more mental illness than someone who does believe in God. I'd say I will pray for you, just to enrage you, but seriously I won't.
-You really work hard at hating , well you have hit the jackpot. You cannot get any worse than what you have reached. So you have reached the zenith picking the cream of the crop, The Almighty. Is that it ,are you happy now that you have announced it to the world.
Well, OK- big deal what in the world do you think you have accomplished, you sound like the god you just disdained--my my.
God may or may not exist but you're certainly a nasty person. Feel free to believe what you believe but don't belittle others for their beliefs. You certainly can't prove there's NOT a god.
Anyway, I bet you're a very lonely person, with all that hate you're carrying around inside. Have a little compassion and you will receive it, because I doubt you get much with your vile attitude.
Excuse me for living! You have your belifs and I have mine. I'm DO NOT think I'm special, I'm NOT afriad of dying. Buety is what even YOU have. It REALLY is all around you. I'm not saying ANYTHING about your beilf so please don't be on mine. My blinders are off and have ALWAYS been off. It's idiots like you who make the world a living hell! That's where you'll be going unless you change your way.
Email if questions-
We fear death and uncertainty? LOLOL. As a Christian, I welcome death and have all certainty, it's called faith, and because of this, I have peace, joy, security, and a life that I did not make of my own will. "The fool has said in his heart,"there is no God".
Obvious atheist---not really.. But an old priest told me something long ago---Religion is a wonder full thing!!--if taken in moderation!!
Religious Faith a mental illness? No.
It is a broader perspective on life.
Praise be Jesus Christ now and forever.