How to raise my grades?

Already I have made a clear distinction between classes I'm good at and classes I suck at:

Spanish 3- B-

Physics- A

Engineering- A+

Stats: A+

English: D

History: C

Precal: A+

I've tried really hard in all of them, but spanish and english and history essays I just have nothing to write or talk about. I don't think I experience "feelings" like most others, so usually I get points off for not talking about how people felt, which is HUGE in english since most essays we've had this year are about our favorite ____, how we feel on _____, our opinions towards ______, and a time we were happy/sad/angry/etc. I've been trying to bullsh*t it all, but I really suck at explaining things I have no clue about.


But it's not even studying. I do tests and quizes and actual information fine, but I literally fail essays or anything involving creativity.


  • Here's what I've noticed through school: There's the kids who know the sh*t. There's the kids who don't know, but they can bullsh*t their way to victory. The former are your math and science superstars. The latter are your english and history buffs. The math/science kids like to be told, they don't care why. Or, they can tell you exactly WHY something works, but face them with the question "Okay...when I'm 80, will I give a f*ck?" and they stutter like a fish out of water. Your history/english kids can make jumping off a 50 story building without a parachute sound like a good idea, and no one can tell you WHY it sounds so appealing. Or, they're the kids who got number 20 on the math test right, when all the math geeks got it wrong. Why? Cause it was common sense, not math.

    I'm a history/english buff. I never do summer reading, but I can bullsh*t an essay worthy of Shakespeare. Put me a in a calculus class, and I imagine my brain is just like the cartoons, with a monkey clashing cymbols. You're obviously a math/science kid. Which is fine, neither of us is better than the other, we just have different thought processes. Writing is not something you can study. It just isn't. And as a person who like science and math, you may not like to hear that, but it's true.

    I take quite a bit of pride in my essay writing abilities, so I'll try to help you out a bit. English: Just bullsh*t it, man. It doesn't even matter. Thesis. That's the most important thing. You can turn a pointless memory in to a life lesson. "My mistake of not doing my homework in 2nd grade was the most influential mistake of my being. It was my rude awakening to the way the real world works, and I learned quite a bit from that event". Can you build on it? Yes. 3 body paragraphs of what it learned, the values it instilled on you. Boom, essay done. Make a heartfelt conclusion, and you've got a work of art right there. If it's a literary essay: "The characters are just a tangible substance for the author's overall purpose of his writings". Do I know what that really means? Hell no. But I got a 95 on that essay. Can I build 3-5 body paragraphs? Sure can. What do those characters portray? Literature is all about how YOU percieve it. If it sounds reasonable, a teacher is going to have to try real hard to tell you you're wrong.

    Now for history: Facts. That's all that matters. Know your facts. In my history class, your essay can sound like a 1st year Russian foreign exchange student wrote it in English. But if it's factual, you've got a A. If your teacher is looking for decent writing, use your fluff words. The downfall of the Roman Empire and it's affects on the world becomes "The significan degradation period during which the people and government of the Roman Empire continued to fall had lasting impacts on the peoples and lifestyles around them". See? You're saying the same thing, but now it sounds so fancy.

    Opinion essays are the easiest things. How is a teacher gonna tell you you're wrong? Don't have an opinion? Doesn't matter. Make some sh*t up. Don't "feel" anything about animal rights? So?!? You know PETA freaks do, so act like you're a PETA freak. "You know..animals are cool and all, but tasty, too" becomes "Animals are our furriest friends in life, does man's best friend mean nothing to you?" You may love a good steak, but it doesn't matter. You don't need to explain, just make it SEEM like you're explaining. And you'll have an A+ on the top of your next paper.

  • Just try studying harder or changing your study habits for those classes.

  • Tutoring and hanging around creative people also look for inspiration to be creative

    Please answer mine:;_ylt=AtFhM... :)

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