How do you do Natural Family Planning?

My husband and I dont believe in birth control and so we are trying to find out information about NFP. We just had a child 2 months ago and I am breastfeeding. Most people say that it is uncommon to get pregnant while breastfeeding but I am not so sure if this is true. Can anyone please give us some information about NFP? I also never got my period so I cant do the kind based around your cycle. Thank you so much in advance =)


  • Learning NFP while breastfeeding an infant is going to be really hard. You can take classes (and really, this is your best option, having a teacher you can go to with questions since your cycle is going to be delayed and/or off due to breastfeeding) through your local Catholic diocese. Just contact them and ask about classes. You can also get a book called "Taking Charge of your Fertility" by Toni Weschler. She teaches the Fertility Awareness Method, which is similar to NFP.

  • Natural Family Planning basically means abstaining from sex.

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