How do you do Natural Family Planning?
My husband and I dont believe in birth control and so we are trying to find out information about NFP. We just had a child 2 months ago and I am breastfeeding. Most people say that it is uncommon to get pregnant while breastfeeding but I am not so sure if this is true. Can anyone please give us some information about NFP? I also never got my period so I cant do the kind based around your cycle. Thank you so much in advance
Learning NFP while breastfeeding an infant is going to be really hard. You can take classes (and really, this is your best option, having a teacher you can go to with questions since your cycle is going to be delayed and/or off due to breastfeeding) through your local Catholic diocese. Just contact them and ask about classes. You can also get a book called "Taking Charge of your Fertility" by Toni Weschler. She teaches the Fertility Awareness Method, which is similar to NFP.
Natural Family Planning basically means abstaining from sex.