Boss is a complete ***!>?

I'm in this job where my boss is a complete ***. first off he dresses repeatedly and he sorta smells funny. As well as that when he tells me to do something and I do it to the best of my ability he criticize it down to the core even by saying how he asked me to do something else and not that. He also mumbles under his breathe in which everyone can hear little nasty comments about me calling me a liar whenever I say something like "Oh i put that stuff on your desk for you". He says"No you didn't listen stop lying" Then when he see's it on his desk he doesn't even apologies. He ha pictures of his kids on his desk and I don't see anyone else with pictures on theirs. As well as that he's SO Nice nicey and bum Lucky to his superiors as well as that he complained that ia asked a personal question to another staff member as to why they got into the job when they asked me the same question and like nothing was said to them. He also likes to go off whenever he feels like it and when I asked could I get off early to bring my unwell mother some where he was like "You should have told me this early we can't have you slacking on the job". he knows I'm always on time and I do what i'm told. Please help as I'm stuck with this job and prick due to the fact of the Recession.? I would complain to his superiors but I have a feeling it wouldn't make a difference.? Ps: the reason why is said about the personal appearance is because I do my best to look prim and proper for the job so I can represent the place well however none of that seems to matter since this *** is an ***!.


  • For the 'No you didn't listen, stop lying comment - you could have looked him right in the eye and said "Really? You think I'm lying? So when I prove I'm not, I expect an apology. I also expect you to stop calling me a liar and saying that I don't listen."

    If you have an HR department, go see them. If you don't, start looking for a job and when you have one, make an appt with him and have a conversation with him: "I wanted to talk to you today because I'm trying hard to understand why I always feel I'm being attacked in this job?" Don't list your accomplishments. Just wait and see if he talks. Don't defend yourself. Ask clarifying questions as if you are really curious to understand his point-of-view and why he behaves the way he does towards you.

  • I know you're going to hate this answer but in a situation like this there's not much you can do besides finding another job.

    But here are some things that might help you deal with it. First and foremost start watching him. If at some point down the line you are going to complain to his superiors that he treats you unfairly, you HAVE TO BE RIGHT. So you need to make sure that he in fact is only mean to you.

    Next, make sure every aspect of the job that is your responsibility is done correctly. Most places have like an operations manual of sorts which are like guidelines for how the job should be done. Make sure you are following those guidelines.

    Third, if you notice that he IS being just mean to you and he IS being more annoying than he has to be when it comes to doing your job (like you know it's supposed to done one way and he's being a jackhole and getting really picky about it) then stop caring. Then you can say 'I'm just following company standards.' and if he says he doesn't care because he asked you to do it a certain way, you can just say 'fine' and do it his way. Just don't work yourself up about it because he's obviously being stupid - don't let it get to you.

    Then (very important) keep track, like in a journal, of all the times and dates when you know for a FACT that he was being unfair because you were doing your job to company standards. You can eventually go to his superiors and say 'look I'm not trying to whine or say that this job is too much but this guy is getting on my case. I do the job I'm supposed to do and he has a problem. I'm not asking for much, just for him to take it easy.' You can also make the same case to your HR.

    If you want to keep this job, that's what you can do to help yourself.

  • You've got allot to learn about the workplace. What I would suggest to you is that you worry about yourself, and what you're doing, and try to do it better so you can keep your job. You're not being paid to worry about your boss, and if that's what you're doing, you're not going to be paid much longer.

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