does siberia husky is same as wolfs?

i keep telling my dad that they are not the same but he say yes who right?


  • They most definitely are not. There are many distinctive features in Sibes that you don't see in wolves.

    For instance, wolves are very shy and tend to be wary of people in general. Huskies on the other hand are not shy and are perfectly fine with strangers. If you've seen pictures of both you'll notice wolves tend to carry their head low as if they were wary of everything while Huskies carry their head up high and confident.

    They differ great in size as well. If you've ever seen a wolf in real life they are HUGE, Huskies are more of a medium/big-medium sized dog.

    I think there are a few other differences as well... but can't

    Basically the only thing that are similar between the two is their coat colors, otherwise a husky is a dog and a wolf is a wolf.

  • hope your dad reads this so he can understand.. Siberians husky was breed in northeastern siberia by the chukchi tribes. They needed a dog to pull loads for miles but able to hunt for food on there own. They needed a dog to be smart and Intelligent, to know if the ice was not safe and to make that decison cross it or not They needed a dog to be able to with stand cold temperatures for miles and hours and have lots of energy to keep going. However since there breed in 1900's united states discovered them and brought them here for there own needs. Now huskies are breed everywhere. They are the closet breed to reprepresent wolf, because of there looks wild canid and Intelligent like wolf. However they are not wolfs. Some people do mix these breeds with wolfs and call them wolf hybids. This breed is the best breed to mix with a wolf due to the size coat and Intelligent they have and free will thinking. A rregular husky is just a dog as a lab or golden retriever is. They are very smart, very smart they can out think alot of people and do things no other dog has ever thought of. often people confuse a husky with a alaskan malamute who is much larger an d heavier dog. an alaskan malamute is larger and can weigh up to 150 lbs and they look more like a wolf, but they are aslo just dogs breed to look that way for a purpose. If you don't see a breed that say wolf hybrid' then they are not part wolf and just a dog.

  • No, Siberian Huskies aren't the same as wolves. However, Siberian Huskies and Malmulates are mostly used when cross breeding with wolves.

    Siberian Huskies don't have the same personality as wolves - wolves are naturally timid and suspicious. They also think in a pack mind (so do Siberian huskies but not to the same extent).

    And wolves are bigger than siberian huskies.

  • No. Wolves are wild animal, Siberian Huskies are a breed of dogs

  • No, Siberian husky is a dog, not a wolf. You are able to use the computer, so you should be able to google.

  • You are is a breed of dog the other a wild animal

  • huskies are dogs

    wolves are wild animals.

  • Indubinantly not.

    They are domesticated and not wild. They are much different from wolves.

  • No they aren't. But all dogs originally came from wolves.

  • no, huskys are domesticated, wolves are wild

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