Does this political cartoon make sense?

The caption above McCains head says "We've identified a trend"

-i am republican

- and i had a hw that made me make this cartoon

8th grade age 13, dont be harsh on me please

- i havent printed it yet so thats why words are in green and red


  • I guess it does.

    Is the trend that the electoral college is screwing over the voters?

  • As a UK resident, i think it would be fitting if you made your cartoon something along the lines of a noble and virtuous nation being backed into a corner by it's european neighbours, and needing help in order to survive and then discovering that the one most trusted source of assistance has suddenly turned it's back on us. If you can make that into a cartoon, you're a better person than i am.

  • The only problem with it is that polls and pollsters are generally known for the opposite trait, using too little information to cite a trend.

    It might be more on point to choose a a source that is commonly acknowledged to be liberal or conservative and have them cite a trend that defies the evidence.

    btw Excellent drawing of McCain.

  • If you're saying the McCain camp is exaggerating their standings in the polls, then yes, your cartoon hits is mark. High marks for an 8th grader, for sure.

  • Weird. Im the same age and its confusing. I think its saying that obama is the more popular choice. But Mcain is the more electorial or w/e? Hrmm. The trend is Mcain is more popular in voters. Obama is more popular in everyone.

  • Not really, since the facts aren't reflected in your drawing. In order to work, a political cartoon has to have some basis in fact; I think you're exaggerating too much & therefore it won't play. Keep trying, though (even though I don't agree with you).

  • Umm it's kind of a dumb joke. Basically, they are making fun of the electoral college because the candidate who gets the popular vote, can still get fewer electoral votes and lose the election.

  • Not really. At least find out how many electoral votes for Calif and NY and be accurate with your percentages.

  • it does not make any sense to me....what trend is he talking about??/ and also real life map is WAY more blue than red

  • Not all of them some are just meant to be comical

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