Do Clinton fans need a reminder?

That's right, Clinton's last great hope is slowly fading away as Superdelegates endorse Obama.


  • Clinton fans prefer to continue down the yellow brick road into oblivion as Obama stomps her in the upcoming elections. She will never catch him and as more negative information comes out about her white house years she will follow Obama into the losers circle. McCain will win by a large margin and the divisions of the democrats may permit the republicans to gain ground in congress.

  • LMAO ... What does - SUPER DELEGATES - mean to you ???

    The Democratic Elite make the rules and then they change them for their convenience !!

    The Elite Democrats feel like THEY know better than YOU who would be the best person to run the country !!!

    By the People and For the People !!!

    There is TOO MUCH controversy surrounding Obama and HIS 20 YEARS of FOLLOWING ANTI-AMERICAN teachings.

    HE will NOT be their choice !!


  • I will not vote if it is not for Hillary and a lot of people feel the same way. So, that will probably put mccain in the white house. That is why the republicans voted for obama in the Caucasus.

  • These blogs have a tendency to make up things they want to believe and want you to believe. Not true, the people of America are seeing what Obama really represents, they resent it and are waking up real fast to vote for Hillary.

  • I cannot pull up the link...

    However, the latest gallup polls has Clinton way ahead of Obama by 9 points...she was way behind.....

    The super delegates represent the majority...and if, she gets the majority of the votes...she will most probably get the super delegates..

  • The super-delegates will be smart enough to realize the people who were duped by NObama, will most likely have changed their mind now that the TRUTH has come out.

  • Sorry to inform you, but the Obammunist Movement is dead

    Edit: It is quite telling that you have chosen to mock the greatest American president of our lifetimes as well as one of Y/A's most legendary users. You must really hate America, just like Obama

  • What Reminder????? What we know about her is that she's going to be then next president of these united states. We real Americans do no want a Racist Muslim as president of these united states!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Did you draw that nice chart yourself? Or did a third grader help you?

  • superdelegates will go to the one that has the most pop vote and delegates which is obama

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