Do abs exercises burn belly fat?

i have some belly fat i want to get rid of because am fat (136lbs) and really short for my age so i wondered that if i do some abs workout i would get rid of belly fat fast?


  • NO

    it just makes the muscles harder

  • Any type of exercise causes weight loss overall but not in a specific area. Once you lose some belly fat, if you were to do ab exercises then the muscles there would be more toned, which would in turn make your stomach look leaner. Until that point though, when you exercise the weight will most likely come off evenly over your whole body.

  • Build muscle. Cardio burns belly fat.

  • The conventional wisdom says "no," but my advisor (a professor who researches fat metabolism), tells me that more recent studies show that building muscle locally does burn local fat stores preferentially -- translation: yes. Getting more ab muscle would burn tummy fat faster.

    I'm sorry I don't know the source for that one, but he's an expert int he field, so I trust him.

  • No. The blunt and cruelest answer is the most true - cardio. Lots and lots of cardio. That will trim the fat. The ab exercises will strengthen and tone the muscles under it.

  • Nope, they just tone tummy muscles. You can't localise weight loss.

  • Have you already tested out Oz Garcinia Cambogia? Try on this website : . This might entirely work for everyone!

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