Boy problems(mexicanos)?

This may come off as rasist but oh well, I've always been attracted to Mexican guys, and there are a lot where I live. My sister is married to a Mexican and he is amazing, treats her excellent and he's just over-all a great guy. But I fell like it's really rare for a Mexican around here to be a good guy. The guys here are all machisimo, players, unfaithful, and liars, have no respect for American girls because they think that we are all trashy.. I feel like they just enjoy playing their game, all they want is to have sex with as many gringas as possible. I have dated a few and it has always ended in heart ache. Conejo, was my first "boyfriend" but he lied about everything, played me like a fool, and turned out he had a girlfriend the whole time, plus a girl back in Mexico also. I thought I loved him but I was just naive and all me and him had was sex but he played me and made me think there was more to it. I just feel like they love to lie, and it makes them feel powerful when they control a girl. I'm just starting to loose faith in them. My sister always warns me about the guys that I try to date, because they are all friends with my brother-in-law and my sister and him know that they aren't good guys. But they are all very good at tricking girls into thinking otherwise. They are very romantic, fun, sweet, but it's all just part of their game, they want as many girls as possible to make them feel macho so they get respect from their friends. Also, a friend of mine, her husband in secret asked if i wanted to have sex with him, I just don't understand how he can be that disrespectful to his wife, or think that I would disrespect and go behind my friends back like that. I feel like Mexican guys love women, but they treat them wrong and play them, I just want to know why this is. I'm almost positive it is a cultural thing. Because I have a friend that moved to Mexico, Beatriz and she says it is so much worse down there. The men are so controlling and they never have just one girlfriend. I don't understand why a culture would be like that. So I don't know if I should just stay away from Mexicans for a while, or guys in general i've had way to many crappy experiences with Mexicans. I just want some opinons and maybe if someone else has experienced the same feelings and had similar "relationships" with Mexican guys. Solo quiero saber la verdad..


  • Mira....... Esos con los que as salido se les llaman "pajaros nalgones", they are insecure little cowards that need somebody to put them in their place which I called "necesitan un salta pa'tras"

    What I say is F anybody especially Mexicanos that are machistas. Que se pongan con uno de su kalo, a ver si le sigue de vivo!!!

    Janette (see, I got it right this time) si hay Chavos que son todo lo que quieres que sean, esta comprobado con tu cuñado. You just have to be more protective of yourself since you already put us in a sex-only group XP, jk, just be careful, dont let those pu.ti,tos push you around.

  • Get in a united pentecostal church.That is where you'll meet a decent man of any race.I know several decent mexican men like your brother in law.You won't find them at bars, parties or strip clubs tho.

  • I am Mexican and have one thing to say. Salte del barrio, hermana. Antes de qué sea demasiado tarde.

  • Just play hard to get .

    Buena suerte :)

    No dejes ke t dominen :P

  • Lay off the burritos.

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