speed parachute?

im thinking about buying a parachute. does it really work? will it increase my 40 time dramatically ? does it help build muscles in my leg? i want details about the chute. right now i run about a 4.8 forty and that is slowwww. im 15 and im trying to prepare for next football season


  • The parachute can be a part of a total program to improve your sprinting ability.

    By itself it will not improve your time.

  • it will help build leg muscles a lot if u do it over and over but ur money could be saved and u could just work the crap out of your calves and hamstrings at ur school weight room if u have

  • NO




    No way hose.

    Im fast,

    and i bought one for football season also.

    But hell, when i run as fast as i can with it attatched to me. I'm not going any slower, or building anymore muscle than i was when im just running.

    Don't buy it


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