Is a legit site to get register a service animal?

I am really trying to move into a new apartment, but there are so little in my price range willing to take dogs. So I am trying to register my dog as an ESA (emotional support dog) and I would like to hear from other people who may have used this site. Is this a legit way to register my dog as a service animal? It seems too easy. I just want to make sure my future landlord cannot turn me away because of my dog. And that this is not just a site that sends you ID cards saying your dog is a service animal but it s not real. And anything else I need to do?


  • Service animals do not need to be registered. All those registries are scams and are only after your money. They'd register a toaster as long as you pay them.

    An ESA is nothing more than a pet, with the same restrictions as any other pet.

    So I take it you want to go to jail? Fraud will get you sixty days.

    It's unfortunate that people like you make it tougher for people that actually require service dogs.

  • Any site to register a dog as a service dog or esa is a scam. There is NO registry for either. And a landlord can still turn down an esa or place size or breed restrictions

  • Are you in treatment with a mental health provider (not a general doctor) who is prescribing you an emotional support dog? If not, you cannot have a dog which is treated as an emotional support dog.

    Actually if your mental health is just fine, or average as most of us, if you are cheating the system you are making it difficult for people who are in real need of such an support animal to get the recognition they deserve. Which is kind of mean.

    Generally keep away from apartment complexes and look for private rentals, they are generally more accomodating. You might also have to go a little further from the center of town. Good luck finding something for you and the dog.

  • (1) There is NO legit site that registers service dogs since federal law states that no registration can be required.

    (2) An ESA is NOT a service dog and service dog laws do no apply.

    (3) The dog is NOT an ESA unless you have a mental health condition and the dog has been prescribed by your attending psychiatrist as part of your treatment plan.

    Just suck it up like an ADULT and do what the rest of us with dogs do - keep looking until you find a dog-friendly rental instead of committing fraud.

  • ESA dogs are nothing but pets.

    They are NOT Service Dogs.

    Stop thinking about committing fraud.

  • Trade the dog for a dirty blanket. It's worked for Linus (of the Peanuts) since 1950. No registration required.

  • No. Although they claim that your dog has to meet certain training requirements, all you have to do is folk over money and your untrained dog is a "service", "ESA", or "therapy" dog with "certificates", vests and blah, blah, blah to make it look as if they are the real thing.

  • Fraud is fraud. Don't use a fraud-encouraging website to commit fraud.

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