I really hope you are a troll. What parent would leave a baby at home for several hours with someone who doesn't even know to change a diaper? There HAVE to be diapers in the house somewhere. Do your parents have a diaper bag for your sister, or a changing table? Where do they keep her clothes? Look near wherever they normally change her. Or call their cell-phone and ask. Sheesh.
take it off. clean her with the whipes and make sure its all off. take the new diaper and open it up full. make sure the flaps are to the back of the baby. put the other part by her bellybutton and take the straps on the back end of the diaper and attatch them to the front and make sure you use powder
ok get the new dipper ready and open then take remove the tabs of the old dipper and wipe from front to back(very important) use several wipes and then close up those wipes in the dirty dipper and put the new one on with the pictures in the front and take the sticky tabs and tape the to the front and make it fairly snug so nothing leaks out...good luck
I really hope you are a troll. What parent would leave a baby at home for several hours with someone who doesn't even know to change a diaper? There HAVE to be diapers in the house somewhere. Do your parents have a diaper bag for your sister, or a changing table? Where do they keep her clothes? Look near wherever they normally change her. Or call their cell-phone and ask. Sheesh.
Youtube How To Change a Poopy Diaper!
take it off. clean her with the whipes and make sure its all off. take the new diaper and open it up full. make sure the flaps are to the back of the baby. put the other part by her bellybutton and take the straps on the back end of the diaper and attatch them to the front
and make sure you use powder 
ok get the new dipper ready and open then take remove the tabs of the old dipper and wipe from front to back(very important) use several wipes and then close up those wipes in the dirty dipper and put the new one on with the pictures in the front and take the sticky tabs and tape the to the front and make it fairly snug so nothing leaks out...good luck