is a size 36D big???????????????????????

i dont look fat at all. but is that unormal or just big? and is that bad?


  • I wouldn't say it's common, you are blessed and no, it's not bad at all. Big breasts on slender women are a turn on for boys/guys/men/lesbians/babies etc..Now find a good guy who will love you, respect you and take good care of you and your chest for the rest of your life. Do not under any circumstances whore them out, for lack of a better term.

  • everyone's body type is different.

    if your doctor says you're at a healthy weight for your height and skeletal structure then you are fine!

    a 36D could look different on so many people.

    just be happy with your body (:

  • Yeah it's big and normal....why wouldn't it be normal? Although 36 is a little wide.

    Unless you're a man, it's not "bad" to have boobs.

  • of course its big. whether its bad or not depends on your frame. nobody but you and a doctor can judge that. no need to ask that to strangers. hetero men and homo women will say good, hetero women and homo men will say bad. luckily i'm in between. go with what your back tells you (meaning if it hurts you to walk or whatever)

  • If the gown suits you correct then decide for it... yet while no longer locate a gown that seems extreme high quality on you. Your bra length would not count number. basically look your perfect your best critic is you.

  • It is big but not common, and it is not a bad thing

  • It sounds good but you should post a pic for better answers.

  • Yes, a little too big for me...

  • its big, but not gross big. its normal. no need to worry.

  • hell yeah your lucky

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