how much does a missouri marriage license cost?

I am getting married in July of this year and have been getting the run around on prices, one person says 9 dollars another says 50. PLEASE HELP! i just need to know the price


  • It doesn't matter what "people" say. What matters is the cost at the county courthouse where you live. Ask them!

    However, you can sometimes "shop around." For example, in Houston, TX the price is higher than in some of the surrounding counties. People often get their license in a surrounding county even if they will be married in Houston. But Texas law allows that. Make sure Missouri law does as well before you try it.

    The $50 is probably closer to reality.

  • $58.00 in Missouri and it is good for 30 days. Check the following website for more information. :)

  • marriage licenses are not listed by state, but by counties. you need to tell us what county you want to get married in in missouri. the costs vary from county to county so we cannot help you without knowing your county.

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