Do you practice safe sex? (use contraceptives)?

BQ: Have you ever had unprotected sex?


  • yes i wrap it up

    BQ:yes one time

    afterwards i was so paranoid for like a month

  • Safe sex

  • I don't practice safe sex, I'm a pro at safe sex! Haha.

  • Sometimes, depending on the person, if the person is VERY sexually active then I use a condom but for someone who rarely have sex then I dont use condom.

    I know its stupid........I had my share of STD's a few years ago, ugh!

    My local clinic was probably getting fed up of me showing up there every week.

  • Sex is an urban legend to me.

    But, I'm not stupid. I would use protection!

    BQ: Nope! Thank God!

  • Yes, but I don't need contraceptives

    BQ: None of your business

  • I just don't have sex, so I guess lol.

    BQ: Nope!

  • I didnt wear a condom last night coz she said that she has something in her that prevents her from getting pregnant...and shes clean.

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