Does Carasoul sound like a cool unique name?

It's pronounced Cara - soul. Similar to Carousel


  • No, it reminds me of a Carousel. Lol. It's a good name for an amusement park ride, but not a child.

  • Im not a fan of it sorry,

    All I see is Carousel, thats how I would pronounce it, and Im sure everyone else would too

    I do however think Cara is really cute!

    and It ages well too :)

  • It makes me think of Carousels and the smell of a carnival. Sorry.

  • It sounds like " my mommy was uneducated and decided hmm I should name my child after the carousel! She'll definitely have to change her name when she turns 18,"

  • Sounds made up and tacky.

    Cara is a beautiful name on its own.

  • it's unique but how about cunique it's pronounced (q nique) like Q and unique or try a saints name

  • isnt that some kind of brand? dont call your baby that it will be picked on whats the matter with you

  • NOOO!! Plz dont name your kid that. Its a horrible name

  • only if you aren't so fond of your child...

  • it makes me Dizzy my head is spinning.....

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