Car problem, Please help?

I have a 94 mustang, lately when I have been driving the brakes on the car lock up (by them self). I took it to the mechanic and he told me that my ebrake cable was seized on. I recently had the cables changed. The mechanic said that my callipers were fine, But unfortunately I am still having this problem. Does anyone have any idea what could cause this to happen? When it happens my back tires feel like they lock up complete (start to drag). Any help would be greatlyyyy appreciated

Thank You :)


  • I'll take a stab at this: Your brake proportioning valve is sticking or needs to be replaced. Normally the front wheels do about 65 - 70% of the braking. If the proportioning valve is set for too much rear brake bias the rear brakes do more braking than they should. Moisture in the brake fluid can damage these valves. When is the last time you have had your brake fluid flushed and changed?

  • Well, if you have disc brakes in the back, your e-brake is probably in a center drum. Its quite possible that with all the monkeying around with the cable he screwed up the ebrake drum hardware causing it to stick. I'd get it checked out by another mechanic.

  • Ice can do that. Some folks park without using the ebrake in the winter so they don't get this situation.

  • sounds to me like your brake rotors and pads are worn too much. Drum brakes will lock up when the drums/shoes are worn too much. Do you have drum rears or disc rears?

  • If the vehicle had rear drum brakes, then it is very possible that you have axle seals gone bad.

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