Can you over exercise a dog?

First of all my dog has been my brother for the past 8 years. He is getting a little fatter in his older age. He goes on walks every day but it doesn't really help. I moved away to go to school and have been gone for the last year but I done and headed home in a couple weeks. I want to start running him to get him back in shape because I know its unhealthy for a dog to be overweight. What I'm wondering is if a dog can "overdo it" like an eldery human. Please give me only factual advice. Thank you.


  • Yes you can over excersize a dog. If your dog is overweight, he realy should loose it, obviously. But take it slow, maybe a 10 minute walk and then gradualy go higher.

    But you know, age, breed, weight ect would be more helpful, and I deifnitly think the best place to get advice from is an actual vet who knows about animals better than we do and can evaluate your animal to see whats best for him.

  • Yes, you absolutly can. I would talk to a vet on the phone and ask what they reccomend.

    But remember that its normal for dogs when they get older to gain some weight, or even become lazy. Have you ever seen a 12 year old dog running doing laps and chasing cars, and other dogs like when its a puppy and dying the next day because it was old. Nooooooo, this is a slow process and its a natural thing the boody does, evn in humans. You dont see and old man running marathons then dying the next day unless it was from the running.

    But a good walk, and eating healthy should do the trick but if the dog is past about 7. Its a good idea to slow down.

  • Yes, you can over exercise a dog. Like a human, if you overdo it the first time out, you can put excess strain on the body. Start him out slowly, just as if you were beginning an exercise program. Then gradually work up to jogging, etc. Keep an eye on him and see how he's handling things. If he wants to end your workout session, then allow him to do so. Your dog will know what his limitations are. Eventually you can slowly up the workout.

    I don't know what breed(s) he is, but 8 is not really all that old for certain breeds of dogs.

  • Yes, you absolutely can over exercise a dog. It's great that you want to help him with his weight, though, because it can only benefit him to take off a few pounds.

    I would take him to the Vet before you get started, just to be sure everything is in good working order. Get him a full "senior dog" physical including a blood test to check his thyroid levels.

    You're a good big brother! :-)

  • Just like a human you should start out slowly and build up. At first you may just want to take a short jog or fast paced walk. The more he gets used to it the longer he'll be able to go on these walks and to run. Since he is a senior though you need to watch out for arthritis. Good Luck to you and your pooch

  • yes, you can over-excersise a dog. Take him on short walks then gradually take him out longer. I wouldn't run him just yet. his body is not used to the exercise and it is not good to speed it up all at once. Also, you might want to change his diet. If so, do that gradually also, as it is not good for their digestive system to change that all at one time either. Good luck to you and you dog.

  • Yes, you can over exercise your dog. Your dog is too old to start going on runs with you because it will effect his joint and bone health. It's best to continue walking him daily and change his diet to a better quality dog food.

  • depends on the breed some breeds can't no much exercise whereas some can but it isn't good to OVER exercise your dog

    Try giving your dog light food......

    ^-^ Good Luck

  • yes, are you going to put him on a tread mill? give him a break, he's old

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