Do dogs carry toxoplasmosis?

A neighbors dog spends all her time at our house. She is very sweet. She also eats wild things. We live out in the country.

We like her and pet her. She sometimes licks the kids in the face, though we tell her, "No".

That's why I ask.


  • Tosoplasmosis is caused by a parasite, toxoplasma gondii and is common in all warm blooded animals and humans, although cats are the primary host.

    Raw meat and unwashed fruits and vegetables can carry the parasite and because of this dogs and puppies with low immune systems should never eat raw meat not unwashed fruits and vegetables.

    The chronic form usually shows no symptoms, but the acute form can display many symptoms, including seizures, tremors weight loss, vomiting and diarrhea. Infection can also occur through infected soil or cat feces.

    Diagnosis is made through serological tests and treatment is with intravenous fluids and antibiotics

    It can be a serious problem with puppies and dogs with impaired immune systems.

  • The CDC site doesn't mention dogs at all. According to them humans usually are exposed via cutting up raw meat for supper, or by working in the garden outside (only some 3% get it from cats).

    Actually you may already have had it and can't get it again--a simple blood test at the OBGYN or your doctor would let you know if you've been exposed in the past.

    As for the cats, it's only on an infected cat's poop (they can only pass it for 14 days after they've been exposed, after that they're immune the rest of their life) - the poop has to sit 4 or more days to acquire enough to pass to humans, you have to touch it and then touch your face. Not gonna happen in most households. Soap and water kills it, wash your hands. Just basic sanitation will stop it.

    Here's the CDC site info.

  • Toxoplasmosis is honestly spread by skill of cats no longer canines. it really is maximum threatening to pregnant women folk because of the outcomes it would want to have on the fetus may reason start defects. even inspite of the actuality that anybody can get it, it really is mostly no longer risky to maximum adults. to shrink your opportunities both way: continually wash raw vegetables do no longer devour raw or raw meat placed on gloves even as gardening and if pregnant do no longer sparkling OUT THE clutter container. I have worked as a veterinary technicican for further or less 7 years now and performance examine this infinite circumstances in college besides discovered it by skill of my occupation.

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