Can I trade my xbox 360 for a ps3?

I have an xbox 360 that i'm tired of using and it kinda sucks to have to pay for my xbox live membership. I would like to sell it or trade it for a Ps3 and honestly I think ps3 is a better choice. The xbox I have is the original white with everything including games and the cords plus an inter cooler. Is there somewhere or someone I can trade my xbox 360 for a ps3?


  • You could go to your local video game store and they will give you some money for your Xbox 360 given that it is of course in good condition so that you could buy a PS3.

  • I would suggest keeping it. If you do sell it, why buy a PS3? the new consoles are coming out the end of this year.. buy the PS4 or Xbox one.

  • Not without paying part of you go to GameStop but you could get a refurbished one that is cheaper and use your Xbox as store credit .

  • Try Craigslist

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