How do you crop images into a circle on Adobe Photoshop?

I'm trying to fix a rectangular image into a circle, but I can figure out how! Does anyone know how to crop a selected area in a circular shape on Adobe Photoshop?


I'm trying to fix a rectangular image into a circle, but I can't figure out how! Does anyone know how to crop a selected area in a circular shape on Adobe Photoshop?


  • To crop to a circle, us the Marquee tool. Put your curser on the tool and hold the left mouse button down. Choose the round marquee from the popout box. Use this round marquee to draw a circle around the portion of the picture that you wish you crop. You can make a sharp cutout or you can feather the edges of the cutout by changing the feather to 5 or more pixels. If you want a perfectly Round cutout, hold the "Shift" key down while creating your circle or "selection". If you find that the selection that you have made isn't exactly what you want hit control and D at the same time to erase your seledtion.

    Once you have made the selection you can drag it to a new canvas of just click Image and then Crop.

  • Photoshop Crop Circle

  • Better way is to make the circle marquee as an alpha channel or layer mask channel. This way your image still intact so that you can edit again in the future. For example, you can move your image or move your mask freely. Just remember to unlink the layer and the mask layer, and click on the layer to move the image or click on the mask layer to move your mask (the circle).

  • No questions asked, the best site for Photoshop tutorials is:

    All tutorials are in video format, which makes them easier for you to follow along with the instructor. The videos are interactive and very easy to follow, this will help you learn piano three times faster. Good Luck!

  • Youtube has a lots of tutorials for cropping any shape: circles, triangles, hearts, etc. Here is a good one that will show you how.

  • Pick the crop tool, click and hold the mouse at the upper left of your desired selection and drag it to the lower right, then press enter.

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