Family Issue Advice?

I believe that my mom is a good person and has a good heart. However, I'm just really feeling confused about things along with feeling that I don't know how long I can continue to deal with her and the negativity she brings in my life. I've never really gotten along with my mom since I was diagnosed with Autism when was in young child in school. She had a lot of realistic expectations for me and she would sometimes get verbally abusive when it came to homework. My dad eventually told the school to stop sending stuff home with me because it got so bad. I've had many negative years with her all through school. It hasn't been since my first year of college that she's been somewhat better. She still hasn't really change and I think she has borderline personality disorder. I can't really move out because I'm getting services for learning disability and I'm kind of stuck. I have to admit that I'm very logical and rational and she's very very sensitive and non-rational and over dramatizes things. I probably I have to live at home for another year and I've told her twice in the past that I've not wanted her in my life when I get older and she has said before she won't let that happen. We've had a long negative history where I've been blamed for ruining many birthdays and holidays, for which my dad thought the complete opposite and thought that she was making a big composion over everything. She's moved on, but I haven't. My therapist thinks I have PTSD. I haven't moved on. Help me.


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