Nautical Party Food Names?

I am having a party for my 2 year old son. The theme is nautical. I am coming up with labels for our food and having some trouble. For example, we're serving goldfish for the little ones and the label will read "Bite Sized Bait" or the main entree label will read "Catch of the Day". We are also serving Salad, Chips, Quesadillas, Wings, Pizza, and Fruit. Any ideas would be helpful!! Thanks!!


  • Sailor's Salad or Starboard Salad, the chips could be Captain's crunchies, Quarterdeck Quesadillas, Wings in the Wake or Windward Wings, Port Pizza, Foreboard Fruit.

  • Nautical Party Food

  • Popeye's Spinach Dip, Sand-gria for (Sangria alcohol or not) drink with fruit.

  • devil eggs

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