Should I continue piano or do an orchestra program?

I've been doing piano for around 5-6 years now, and I also do viola. I've recently finished my last level of piano, and I'm still debating whether I'll continue it next year. I have to decide whether I should pursue viola even further (do an intense orchestra program), or continue piano. I know that I'll probably quit piano eventually even if I do it next year, so piano might not be the right choice, but in my orchestra program, you don't learn a whole lot, you just play in orchestra, but I love viola a lot and I'll probably be doing that longer. With piano lessons, I'll learn a lot more, but I'll just be quitting piano soon anyway. So what should I do next year - piano lessons or my orchestra program?


Thanks Awesome Viola Player for answering my question, but what I mean by orchestra program, I don't mean school orchestra. I mean this program that you have to pay tuition for and stuff, and it's out of public school. It's like extra stuff, and that means I won't have time for piano :P Thanks for answering, but you didn't exactly get what I meant.


  • Take some viola lessons and continue your piano on your own.

    It is up to you, but that would have been my choice.

  • This is what a girl in my orchestra class did, she played piano and violin.

    I'm pretty sure she still took lessons outside of school for piano. But, she talked to our teacher about it and he would chose songs that she could play piano in parts. Such as, we played pirates of the carribean: dead man's chest and she played the opening piano music, which I'm pretty sure was an organ in the movie. She also played for other grades that way she could perform with our class. Or if your at a school where there are two different orchestra classes at different levels, you could play for the other. So, that's what a girl at my school did, which I thought was really cool.

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