Conservatives: do you support Trump?

I'm a con and I do NOT support that evil clown.


  • I've voted conservative in the last two elections.

    I will NOT be voting for that wannabe war criminal wannabe authoritarian dictator, Donald J. Trump.

    How anyone can still defend that disgusting man is beyond me.

    I've no love for Clinton but come on, at least she has the credentials and experience for the job, and is at least somewhat politically and internationally aware enough to not f*ck up the economy and our relations with other countries.

    I haven't decided yet whether I prefer Clinton or Johnson. But Trump is out, by a long shot.

  • President Barack Obama believes FBI Director James Comey is a man of integrity and is seeking justice in the Clinton investigation. Obama said Comey is not trying to influence the U.S. presidential election by announcing scrutiny of additional emails linked to Democrat Hillary Clinton's private server, the White House said on Monday.

    TRUMP PENCE 2016

  • I'm a conservative and I support Trump

  • A lot of them don't, but they don't want to see 2 new SCOTUS' chosen by a liberal President... Which is actually perfect because, Hillary is all that liberal. She's a pretty conservative Dem.

  • I don't vote 'cause only form of gov't that Jesus supports is Orthodox Christian monarchy; forgive me.

  • No one has shown they can damage the establishment more, so Trump it is.

  • I am in UK and not a conservative but if you don't want him in USA then send him to UK and h can sort out all the problems we have here

  • Yeah, and you believe Romney and McCain were conservative?

  • HE is a business man and is a crook already.. when he works for the government he will be even worse than all presidents combined.

  • I do. I suppose you feel that Clinton corruption is far better for the country.

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