Fellow Australians - do you consider yourself a Socialist, Centrist or Conservative?

I'm a Conservative. I have been all my life, and am now 22. So, which are you, and have you always been, or were you once something else?


  • I don't like labels or political parties. I have my own views.

  • No that is important to no longer supply into the temptation of crude idiotic call calling. whether fairly some the excellent are doing it. Fascism is amazingly serious certainly, and it may be incorrect to describe the present day American superb as Fascists. no one is advocating shutting down democracy thoroughly and tearing up all civil rights merely yet. yet yeah. absolutely everyone who calls, say Obama, a socialist is the two completely ignorant to what socialism potential, or they are being willfully deceptive. he's unquestionably a Reagan neo-liberal with a pair of adlescent social democracy rules. yet I doubt the loopy superb are extremely attracted to accuracy. they only desire to throw around what they think of are frightening words.

  • Left of centre, somewhere between Socialist and Centrist.

  • Conservative most of my life, voted Labor once and received permanent deferment from conscription when Labor came into power.

    Always put the greens last on ballot paper, too many loonies pulling strings of Labor.

  • In the lower house I am an unabashed conservative. In the upper house I vote for anyone except the conservatives, usually independents / minor parties willing to negotiate. I strongly feel that no party deserves to have total power over both houses of parliament. It only serves to allow bad legislation to get passed.

  • A bit of each - liberal on some issues and extremely conservative for others.

  • I'm a lifelong Socialist, though I was born into a very conservative family. My conscience would never allow me to vote for a Liberal candidate.

  • Economic conservative, liberal on social policies. No party caters to this adequately. Always been that way.

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