How do you finance a car with no credit?

I am 19 years old and I have no credit... I currently have a chevy malibu 98 that i dont think is gonna last much longer. I really need to find a newer car thats gonna last me 3-5 years obbviously finance. ive gone to different places and no one wants me to get a car though let either i make too little or the no credit thing. i was gonna try a credit union but they r pushing the newer cars so its cheaper but all i really need to between 04-08. Im so confused idk if i should get a credit card to build credit or am i just missing somthing i would think some dealership out there would let me finance through them?? oo and i really need a car asap if anything the end of the summer.


  • Your screwed until you build some. Utility bills count as credit. Go get like a $1000 loan at the bank and pay it back. Thats how my friend built his credit hed borrow money and pay it back early.

  • No credit = no loan. And BTW, utilities etc. do not count towards credit. Save up as much cash as you can and buy a clunker.

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