How do i write a speech for a debate?

I am the first negative speaker..


I don't know how to structure my debate..

Can someone please help me!!


  • Most of the negative constructive is based around how the affirmative frames the debate. Depending how long you have to speak (8 minutes in a standard round, but if it's for a class, I'm guessing it's shorter), you may want to focus on preparing counter-arguments if your time is limited. Otherwise, you'll probably need a standard, general-definition case. For time-limited situations, this involves preparing responses to arguments your opponents are likely to present. I'll try to help with both scenarios.

    For simplicity, let's assume the affirmative chooses reasonable definitions to frame the debate with. A common-sense interpretation of the resolution would read: "The application of science in commerce and industry has become a substitute for enjoying one's life to the fullest."

    First off, the resolution is a statement of fact, so the criterion for the round will likely be the preponderance of evidence. This means that if you can provide more examples (or examples of higher importance) of how technology has helped people enjoy their lives, you should win the debate. Most of your preparation, therefore, should revolve around how technology has impacted society on a cultural level.

    Note that the affirmative can't win by simply showing how technology keeps people from living life to its fullest; they have to show how it has become a substitute for doing so. In other words, they have to show that people were enjoying their lives more before technology came along and mucked things up. This is where the greatest strength to your case lies: in showing a comparison between the way people used to spend their time, and how technology has improved that.

    I would construct three or four case contentions, each consisting of three parts:

    1. Life before technology

    2. Technological advancement becomes available

    3. Impact

    For instance, I would construct a contention like this:


    A. Newspapers, radio, and broadcast news used to be the only sources for up-to-date current events.

    1. Most of these media outlets were owned by large, national conglomerates who intentionally filtered and homogenized the news provided to the public

    2. Major events, such as natural disasters, presidential elections, and op/ed columns, were limited in their scope and depth by the nature of their medium (television and radio only had so many stations, newspapers only had so many pages, etc.)

    3. As such, the public had to be content with only hearing one side to an issue, and were at the mercy of those in control of news sources.

    B. The internet has changed the landscape of news media

    1. Hundreds of thousands of journalists now pulish their articles online through any of a thousand websites, providing free, instant access to current events, 24 hours a day.

    2. News aggregator sites, such as Google News, can categorize millions of articles in an instant, allowing the public to pick and choose their sources of information as they see fit

    3. The public can even choose to respond and publish their own opinions through blogs and message boards on topics ranging from economics to international diplomacy.

    C. This has led to an increase in democratic participation, education, and living life to its fullest

    1. The more informed the public becomes about its leaders and the world at large, the better decisions it makes in the voting booth.

    2. The more educated the public becomes, the better it can adapt to a world threatened by poverty, global climate change, and war.

    3. The public begins to see the news as a source of enjoyment, and spends more of its free time actively participating in society.

    That's a fairly rough outline, but it should give you an idea of how the arguments should flow. If you can craft around 3 or 4 of those, with evidence under each subpoint, you should have no problem filling up your time.

    Remember, as well, that your duty is to clash with the affirmative's examples during your speech. Try to reserve around one half to one third of your time responding to your opponents. A few things to keep in mind:

    1. Social networking sites, such as Twitter and Myspace, allow people to meet regardless of where they live or what cultures they come from.

    2. Many medical advancements, even seemingly superfluous ones like Viagra and breast implants, are designed to improve the quality of life of patients, which helps your side.

    3. Press the affirmative to define the word 'substitute'. They absolutely have to show that people are actually worse off having a given piece of technology, and make them articulate that harm.

    I hope this helps. Good luck!

  • so ur Q is how to write a speech for a debate?

    basically before u do anything just think about it..

    think about how much technology you use in a day

    think about ur day without technology

    think some more..

    then have a sudden epiphany that technology is merely "the application of science in solving practical problems" (something lyk tht)

    and then get rly excited as u conclude that technology is like the stake that stands next to a plant when u r trying to grow it. The plant needs the stake to grow, but the stake is not a practical substitute for the plant..and without the plant (generally speaking) the stake is useless..

    OMG i ttly just came up with that..that was beautiful!!! awesome analogy right? RIGHT?!

    Oh and then convert ur thoughts into a persuasive paraagraph to get the key concepts in order, and convert to "spoken english"

    Seriously tho..wen i saw ur Q i was ttly gonna write "with a pen and a peice of paper..or if ur rly dumb, a computer, b/c that would ttly help ur point.." but i got inspired...

    jerks=ppl with no!

    okay im gonna seriously stop writing now..

    xD hope this helped!!

  • stable afternoon chairperson, individuals of the opposing team, and aim marketplace... as we talk the subject rely is.... my team will coach to you that...(insert team line) i visit talk to you approximately...(considerable factors) my 2nd speaker will coach to you....(considerable factors) and my third speaker will sum up our arguments and firmly rebut the contest... my team believes... (team line) *considerable element* *advance considerable element* *one minor element if there is time* from what I even have instructed you and what my team friends will coach...(tie back to team line) thankyou comprise your team line/assertion as many times as you are able to desire i helped :) and stable luck!

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