
why is it so hard to get new people in office? its like pulling teeth

we are over do for new members

am i right?


  • I agree that there should be term limits or something in place, so that new people would be elected. What those limits should be, I don't know. Perhaps a retirement age consistent with American worker's or there abouts.

    One thing I would like to see changed are what the taxpayers are paying for. It's one thing to pay their salary, quite another to be paying for their medical care which includes their family members, funding their pensions, paying for their drivers, amongst other things. I was researching this and was amazed at what the taxpayer is actually forking out and had to wonder, if Congress had to actually pay for these things from the salary we give them from our paychecks, would they be more able to empathize with the concerns and struggles of their constituents.....

  • One star for a great question.

    My solution is to vote every one out every 4 years and get some fresh crooks into office.

    Every 4 years I vote against the incumbent congresscritter and Senator if he/she is running.

    If everyone did this we wouldn't have situations where people like Pelosi sends Congress on a month's paid vacation in the middle of an energy crisis

  • I agree. I live in Indiana, which just so happens to be one of the few states in the nation working with a surplus, but i will not vote for anyone in office. Why you ask? Because all of my taxes have sky rocketed not to mention our governor has leased a toll road to a foreign country which isn't taking care of it. I am Republican but voted Democrat in the primaries to get a good candidate in so I can vote to Ditch Mitch come November. I say we all vote out all our incumbents and tell them to piss off.

    Also, take into account it is the Dems in Congress who are gone. The Repubs are protesting.

  • I was going to have you ask Congress that question. Oh, I forgot they are on a five week vacation without dealing with the oil crisis. Don't forget we voted them in office. We can only blame ourselves. Wait until the pork funding series comes out. That will make you really sick.

  • We just got a bunch of new members last time. Incumbents have the advantage for a lot of reasons, but the biggest reason is the way the districts are drawn up-so as to maximize the number of "safe" Republican and Democratic seats while minimizing the number of swing seats.

  • If it were up to me, congress would receive quarterly performance evaluations... Sort of like an election, but not quite. 3 strikes and they're out.

  • because GOOD people are not going to put themselves through this

    mess in Politics..but the kind of people this attracts is the leadership

    we have in high places (no pun intended on the drugs SOME politicians do)

  • we are the one's that vote them in office so i guess it's our fault however lots of people vote along party lines no matter what so they elect the same person in time after time----i think we would be better off if the politicans didn't have to be rich. i can't think of one who isn't wealthy

  • You are seriously right - vote out all the Dems who are losing seats this election (there will be a LOT of upsets, trust me) and blame Pelosi and her mismanagement as to why you went Republican - Republicans MUST gain a lot of seats in order to depose Pelosi!!!

  • mandated term limits are the lazy man's options. if government is to be for the people, it does have to be BY the people. not by the pres, not by the court, not by the congress

    if people got their butts out there and voted, if people kept tabs on their elected officials etc etc

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