how to conclude this essay?

i wrote an essay about why don't wanna move to vancouver. I'm having trouble with making a conclusion. also, it needs to be a "so what" style conclusion.

here is the intro/first paragraph. 

From my bedroom I heard them deliberating, my mom and my dad. My father just received a job opportunity, but for him to be able to obtain the position, we are required to move from Ottawa to Vancouver. I felt excited for him, but at the same time, I realized that I would have to forsake my friends, family and leave my school behind. I must stop this before it is too late. Moving away from Ottawa would be an awful decision. Honestly, I would rather clean up asbestos without a respirator, while sucking on lead pellets, than leave my life behind.




  • Lose the imagery/metaphors, as they are in poor taste, you are writing an academic essay. Forget about YOU, and concentrate on the essay....this is not about YOU, it is about what is best for your family, and your folks know this better than you, as they know the finances, and would also be moving away from family, likely. This is a very difficult decision. Stop thinking about yourself, and the answer, conclusion will come. Be a grown-up, and not a selfish brat. I know that your folks did not raise a selfish brat.

    UPDATE: Forgive me, your parents did raise a selfish, immature BRAT, who acts like he is still 5 years old. You will flunk this assignment, trust me.

  • So what to do, be the selfish son that stops his family moving up in the world or be a push over who acts like a sheep and follows the same old path as his parents. Who knows.

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