bottom part of braces?

the bottom too wires are out off the whole they are supose to be in.

have been out since xmas

appointment is on thursday will he have a go at me for not making an appoiment?

has this happened to any of you before


thanks everyone :) xx


  • It has happened to me before.. Just tell him it happened recently.. They cant tell after a month.. It takes about 2 months and they notice that those teeth haven't made progress, so they can call you out on it.

  • This is not that uncommon. Your teeth are being moved. However, if I was your dentist, I would be annoyed that you ignored this problem. You may have caused the teeth in question to move in a way that isn't correct which may lengthen your treatment. All I can say is be apologetic if he has a go at you and then be proactive and take care of yourself. Good luck and great smiles!

  • Your the only one who loses out if it causes a stoppage of progression, itll just cost you more payments if you need to keep them on longer maybe? Yell at you, he shouldnt complain either, hes a professional. Disappointed in you? Possibly.

  • well, i hate to tell you this, but you should have made an appointment before now to get that fixed. he may have a go at you, but it will probably not be too harsh. just try to live with it if he does, and, who knows? maybe he won't. just be glad that you are getting this problem fixed instead of waiting longer.

  • Yeah he is going to get mad at you for not coming in sooner. Don't tell him they've been off since xmas. Tell him they came off that day at lunch and he won't get mad. This has never happened to me, lol. But I have broken brackets and they're all like "Why didn't you come in sooner?!" They're so mean.... Good luck!

  • that has happened to me, but on the top

    my ortho was sooo mad at me and was jamming it back in

    they shifted without the wire in but while i was still in the office they shifted back straight

    good luck. braces suck

  • they prolly will. mostly cuz u dont' have urwire in and now ur prolly go longer wit ur braces. then also cuz u didn't show up. im sry hope they don't get to mad.

  • idk maybe

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