how much concrete do I need?

Hello, We are moving a house w dimensions of 37'x28'. The soil is firmly packed of average loam content. should we use 12" or 18" deep by 18" wide for the footing and how much concrete would it take to poor the footing to put blocks as stemwall and add rock on the outside of the house at some point in time?


  • hello , the width of your footer depends on if you plan on bricking your home. avg 12 inches to 14 wide if you arent and 16 to 18 if you are, i imagine the county has codes. and at least 12 inches deep. call the concrete plant and tell them you have footers 65 feet long, 14 inches wide and 16 inches thick. keep in mind you will have to have step down in the footers if there is more than an 8 inch fall in your land. check your county code for the amount of rebar you should put, if no code , i would suggest 2 pieces of half inch . remember the top of the concrete in the footer should be no closer to 9 inches to your final foundation grade string. good luck

  • Of course it will depend on the weight of the what you want the footings to support and how much rebar you'll be using. Pouring footings is really cheap, when compared to repairing failed foundations, so I'd go with 18" - to be safe/sure. I've put in a link to how to compute concrete use - hope it helps.

  • A 18"X18" footing will require approx 11 cubic yards of concrete.

    A 12"X12" footing will require approx. 5 cubic yards of concrete.

    A 12"X18" footing will require approx. 7.3 cubic yards of concrete.

    For example:- !.5 X 1.5 X 130 =292.5 cubic feet or 10.83 Cubic yards.

  • Get a couple trucks and just start pouring. Watch for rain.

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