How do you break up with a suicidal gf?

I feel trapped cause i love her but she really will kill herself and she already cheated and begged me for 2nd chance ...should i leave her ?


  • Wow what a manipulation game she's playing.

    Anyone who threatens suicide has some mental illness issues and emotional problems which need attending to. She needs to seek help from a mental health professional, and the last thing she knows how to do is be in a relationship. People who are distressed and who have mental issues, aren't good candidates for relationships. Never were.

    If you think she's suicidal, TELL HER FAMILY!! Talk to one or both of her parents about it. Hopefully they are rational thinking people and will take what you say to heart.

    When someone threatens or commits suicide, it's not about YOU or their boyfriend, or someone else, it's about them and their inner misery. I'm sure your girlfriend was miserable long before you met her.

    And if she ever threatens suicide in your presence, call an ambulance. This is what we are supposed to do when someone threatens to self-destruct.

  • You tell her family so they can keep an eye on her and explain to them you love her but can't forgive her yet and you need time on your own to heal ...

    I was in the same boat as you as was pressurised into staying with him after his suicide attempt when I caught him cheating, 17 years later and four more attempts after four more affairs that I can't walk away now because the children would always blame me for their dad's death...

    My advise to you is don't make a hasty decision and don't feel pressurised what happens when it becomes to much for you and you feel the only way out is to end your own life.

    I wish you all the best and stay strong xx

  • Just keep saying 'NO' ,,,,,,, That's what I do,,, If you want to be alone, Just say 'NO',,, If she stalks you, report her to the authority's, that's what I did...

    I've been saying 'No' for 23 years now, and have been threatened and stalked, you don't have to put up with it, if you want to be alone, that's your right, and that shouldn't be taken from you...

    If she try's to spike your drink to force you to have a relationship or sex, just report her, that's what I did.

    It's your right to be alone, if you want to be...

    If she try's to use expensive hypnotic drugs to hypnotize you into having a relationship with her, just report her to the authority's, that's what i did...

    People will try and control you in this life, in a multitude of different ways...

    Just avoid them, lock yourself indoors and shut the curtains, turn off your phone, it's your right to be alone if you want to be....

    The fact that your talking to the World about this, means that you can't talk to you girlfriend about this.

    Which means she's not interested in anything other than controlling you.

    Relationships should be about how two people relate to each other, it's about the click and connection, not about one human controlling another human.

    Good luck...

  • She found your weak spot and is exploiting it to get you to stay, most people who are suicidal are not so vocal and would not want to trap a man in a relationship they know he does not want to be in to begin with. She seems a master at getting her way and diverting attention from the facts . . . she cheated.

  • Walk away. NOW.

    She's emotionally blackmailing you. "If you leave, I'll kill myself."

    You are NOT responsible for her. If you let her get away with this one, what will she pull next time? Will she guilt you into marriage, then use the kids to force you to stay?

    Call her bluff and tell her you're walking.

    Hundred to one she doesn't do it.

  • It's not fair that she is keeping you trapped in a relationship you don't want to be in. I don't know your age, but if she has a close girlfriend, or if you can talk to someone you trust in her family about her threat - I would. If she would harm herself, or others she needs help from a professional.

  • Let her go, the cheater & don't give second chance. She is acting too much like a cunning female.

  • Just pack your stuff and go. She's trying to be a control freak by using "mental illness". Most who say it, don't! Go now, and don't walk RUN

  • she's sick in the head. That's not fair she already cheated then she's going to kill herself if youre going to breakup with her?

    Go end everything between you two

  • no. You should bring her out of her depression and suicidal tendency. Escaping from the humane treatment to your g/f is not correct at all.

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