Did you trick your partner into a marriage proposal?

Hi, I'm a journalist and I'm currently writing an article about women who use tactics to get a proposal out of men i.e faking a pregnancy etc.

If this applies to you and you have an extreme case then please email me on [email protected].

You will be paid once the article is published.




  • Not me, but a good friend.

    He was dating a girl for a few months when SHE really started pushing for sex (he didn't want to because he wasn't sure about her). She was plain looking, overweight and dumpy and I have no idea why he was dating her. He said he was lonely and didn't think anyone else would want to be with him. Anyway, they started using the pull-and-pray method and they find out she's pregnant.

    He did what he thought was right and proposed. They bought a little house and she gave birth to the baby. Before that, he wasn't sure about fatherhood but once the baby was born he fell in love, as did his parents. After the child was a few months old, he started to get suspicious of his fiance. One night she left her email account open and he found a folder of emails from her ex. Turns out they had been sleeping together the whole time and he had likely gotten her pregnant (hence, the push for my friend to have sex with her to cover it up). This girl's ex convinced her to stay with my friend and that he would be a better father.

    My friend went for a paternity test. His plan was if the baby was his, he was going to file for custody. If not, he was going to leave. The tests came back, he wasn't the father.

    Years later he is with a nice girl who he's in love with and they're talking marriage. He dodged a huge bullet.

  • before marriage me and my wife had sex 7 or 8 times a week she was sweet and kind never fought or nagged me. She cooked and did not spend allot of money and she never cared if I hung out with the boys or went drinking. I made her wait through 2 football seasons so she would know I never ever do anything but watch football on sundays before I proposed and last she always keep it very smooth shaven down below.


    we have sex 2x's a moth if I am Lucky and I have to beg like a dog for it.

    she never cooks we eat out 5 times a week.

    she spends tons of money & does not work

    she nags all the times and loves to fight and hates it when I watch football.

    and never lets me go out for a drink with the boys.

    oh and last it is never shaven down below any more.

    I got tricked into marriage !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Um, no. But we knew we wanted to marry each other like 3 months in.

  • Thank God - NO! I'm sure you'll find quite the eclectic mix of those that have done that...

  • I evaded two such attempts.

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