can i temp cover my dads mobility car?

i would like to know if i can temp cover my dads mobility car to use on holiday as its more economical??? and if anyone can help with this i would be very grateful

many thanks in advance


i would go on his mobility insurance but got done for drink driving so they wont touch me till 2013 when it been 5 years.... that why i want to know if i can take out temperary insurance on it ??


  • No. You cannot insure the same car with 2 different policies. You got done for drink driving. The high premiums are meant to be a punishment. Man up. Take it on the chin.

  • Tempcover Car Insurance

  • Ignore badmann. As others have stated, your dad must either drive the car or be a passenger in it. If it's a mobility car, it not taxed as a private vehicle, but a mobility vehicle, which means it's not taxed if your Dad isn't in it. So the insurance will be null and void. If caught, the car will be towed away, you will pay several hundred quid to release it, but it will not be returned to your Dad, and he will never get another one. You will get 6 points 3 for no insurance and 3 for no tax, and whatever else they can hit you with, now is your Dad's car a cheap option?

  • No.

    The only people who can drive a Motability car, are those named on the Motabilty insurance policy. No-one else can drive the car, regardless of what insurance cover they have. If you drive it and you are not a named driver, your Dad could lose his car, permanently.

    If you read your Dad's Motability agreement, you will see that I am correct.

  • No you are not allowed to drive it Its for dad or his named driver only or is a breach of the Mobility lease regulations.. also when if you are a named driver ,, and insured , you can only use the car to transport dad or go about his business , You cannot just swan off on holiday unless dad is with you ..

  • No you can not get your own insurance to drive a motability car. Only drivers named on the insurance policy can drive it.

    Even if you did you would need the owners permission to drive it, and as your Dad does not own the car (it is owned by Motability Finance) he can not give you permission.

  • No you cannot

    To do this would require the owner of the car to give you permission to drive it.

    Dad is not the owner, Motorbility are and they will not give you permission - end of.

    Even if you go on the insurance with Motorbility you can only drive it, and be insured to drive it to carry out your Dads business or to carry Dad to carry out his business. You cannot use it to do stuff just for yourself. If Dad was going on Hols with you thar would be fine -if not then you cannot use it to go on holiday yourself.

  • Usually, that is too long for me. I think it depends on the guy as well as his face though. Certain guys can pull off long hair and others can't.

  • You cant get cover s the car doesn't belong you or your dad. It belongs Motability and they have not put you on motobility insurance.

  • you just call the mobility company and get insured on it, its free if your dads on the scheme

    dont listen to the first answer

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