I was diagnosed with PCOS 2 years ago, and I am taking the trifecta of pills. (yaz, metformin, and spirinolactone) My libido is so low it's nearly absent. I realize this is due to all the meds trying to bring down those high testosterone levels, but my relationship is severely suffering! I know there isn't a magic pill to help fight this hormonal battle between pill and body, but does anyone know of any ways I could overcome this naturally? Or at least boost it enough to where I can have sex more than once a month???
First, I jsut want to pint out that high testosterone in women (although not good overall) tends to boost sex drive (jsut think of men!). So then, your baseline might be higher than average women. Might be, as it varies.
Now then, you are taking 3 meds for your PCOS. All three are aiming to reduce your testosterone levels (in one way or another). So then, my question is, do you need all three of theese meds?
First priority (and esp if you are overweight) would be metformin. If the metformin is at the right dose and doing its job properly, then you dont need the other two. But getting the right dosage is not easy.
Spironoloactone is an anti-androgen, which means it reduces testosterone. But if your testosterone is already under control from the metformin, then you don't need it. When was your testosterone last measured?
One of the ingredients in yaz is also an anti-androgen. If testosterone levels are still high, it might be helpful. But given metformin and spironolactone, then maybe you dont really need this either. Tho' it also helps you to have periods. But that's not really that important I think,
If anything, I would say to drop the sprionolactone if your testosterone levels are back to normal. That should help things along Or maybe drop the yaz.
Talk to your doctor and get your testosterone levels measured.
Yeah me too, additionally I do have PCOS, additionally what I have spotted is the vagina whilst you no take any OTC ( start manipulate) the vagina is so dried and the libido cross drop down dramatically, bigger you'll speak along with your OB health care provider, additionally attempt to masturbate if that may support you and likewise as good take a look at lubricant the one in all trojan manufacturer title, well success.