Guys do you prefer a fat p*ssy or a flat p*ssy?

my p*ssy lips are so fat im always trying to cover with a long shirt or just wear sweat pants im very self consious all the guys ive been with i wasnt able to let them touch me even tho im pretty sure they knew i had a fat pussy when they would feel on top of jeans ?? my new bf tells me dam u have a puffy pussy but i love it... even tho he says he loves it i feel like he just say that to make me feel good :/ i feel so uncomfortable taking off my underwear in front of my bf:/ my inner lips are very small i dont have nothing hanging out its just my pussy mound is big i cant even wear a bikini because i feel like a guy with a bulge!! and then jeans u can still see threw so i like wearing long shirts to cover... ive been thinking about surgery but im not 100% sure.... do you guys like this??? or is a flat pussy better...??


  • I have a phatty. Never had any complaints. My **** so phat I tend to grab my **** like a dick. Lol. (Behind closed doors) god blessed me with big boobs and a big cooch. Never will go under the needle for no one. Love urself woman! Who cares what men like

  • This heterosexual guy likes it any way he can get it. Do not get surgery. That would just mess up God's perfection.

    Get married, then ask your husband's opinion. Surgery will cause you to lose feeling. What is the point of changing your looks and then losing the feeling?

  • As a man, I don't use what a woman's p*ssy looks like as a judge of her as a person. I have my "likes", but most important is the woman is nice, has a good self image and cares for herself emotionally and physically.

  • FAT!

    In the immortal words of Redd Foxx, "There's only two kinds of *******, good ol' big ones and big ol' good ones."

  • Neither. I speak for the vast majority of gay men--and not a few straight men--in saying that even to hear the thing directly referred to, by its name, or by any of its many grotesque synonyms, makes me want to vomit, and to run screaming from the room. Please shut up.

  • I love one that's different. Yours sounds like a turn on.

  • Very interested too about the answer to this question

  • I prefer a long thick one with two balls.


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