How do I become a faster track runner? (teenager)?


Im a 15 year old boy, ive been running track for 2 years. I run the 200meter sprint as my main. Im getting ready for highschool track in april.

Based on my last track season, I run about a 25 flat and an all time speed of 24.52. My 100 is about 12.5. What are some ways I can get faster? A full workout plan maybe? I really want to get good at this for highschool.


  • Lift weights do a total body routine, do abdominal work, do plyometrics, run stairs or stadium bleachers, do easy distance work twice a week, work on form and technique twice a week and then some speed intervals such as 100 or 200 sprints.

    It takes strength to sprint, you must improve your power and the ability to use it when running.

    Normally the track team has an off season program so talk to the coach and if they are doing something get with the program.

  • Well first off, Congrats on your current PRs! Secondly, I've always been told that people are born with a certain speed and that they can't actually get faster.

    I personally believe that's bull.

    The best way to get faster at sprinting would be to get stronger in your core, run off season sprint practices under strict heart rate moderation, and then do the ol' fashioned trick of drinking beet juice.

    I'm sure that you can find a number of great, proven workout programs made for this scenario specifically on google. Good luck, hope this helps!

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