Classic car as first car?

my Dad owns a few classics and he was explaining classic insurance and he told me that the insurence is practically the same no matter the engine or age of the owner. My dad said the reason for this is that the company presumes you are going to take good care of it. this made me think it would be great to have an early 90s land/range rover.

is this true and would it be resonably priced insurence to have early 90s v8 range/land rover for a 17 year old


  • What your Dad says is basically true. But what he may have overlooked is that most 'classic' policy's exclude under 21 or even 25 yr olds.

  • The thing with "classic" car insurance is that you have a "Daily Driver" car with the same company, that you pay regular rates for. The insurance co knows this is the car you use most of the time, and your "Classic" car only comes out on Sunday afternoons. (Well not very often anyway) And is looked after carefully. This makes it a relatively low risk to insure,

    Even if you did decide to drive it every day, your regular car would then be in the shed, with a low risk on it's full priced insurance. So either way, you have paid for the overall risk to all the cars combined.

    If you just buy a old piece of junk as a daily driver, the "classic" cover wont apply. That's for your 2nd and 3rd cars.

  • 1) A Range Rover is NOT a "classic car" and 2) Classic car insurance won't work for a vehicle in daily service. Classic car insurance is for cars that are only driven on special occasions like in parades or going to car shows.

  • Classic policies will not cover you at 17.

    They are just a policy offered by main stream insurance companies. They are not a way of getting cheap insurance for 17 year olds.

    Mine have always limited my mileage on the car, not permitted driving to work or on business and required me to have another daily driver car.

    Mile for mile mine have always been a lot more expensive than my policy for my normal car.

  • If you're going to pay for your own fuel, it's a monumentally bad idea to consider (1) an offroad vehicle with high ride height, (2) a V8 engine, and (3) a combination of the two.

  • There is no right or wrong answer, classic cars better if any. Hopes this helps.

  • 1990s is not classic in my book..The reason " classic " insuance is cheap is that as a 2nd or 3rd car its not driven much,,as a teens primary ride its a different talk to insurance guy TELLING the truth

  • If he doesn't understand that insurance is more expensive for young males with nice cars is extremely expensive, you're father is dumb as a toolbox. The nicer the car, the more expensive. The younger you are, the more expensive. That's how life is.

  • Get anothe classic. Rovers are not easy to maintain.

  • That, hoss, is NOT a "classic" by any stretch of the imagination. Unless, that is, you want to classify it as a classically unreliable vehicle.

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