Is Donald Trump a Nazi?


  • Hes dangerously close.

  • No, the Nazi party was a particular political party with a very defined program and dogma. However, the noun is so despicable that people like to tar all right wing nuts with it. Some of his populist hostility has fascist overtones.

  • No. Is Berny the socialist also a communist, is Hillary a progressive, almost the same thing. Do you even know what a nazi is and stands for or is it just something someone told you as being very bad.

  • No. Nazis had a plan. Trump does not.

  • No.

    He's a Nationalist, but not a Socialist.

    He's using many of the same political tactics though.

  • No. He may be bigoted, foolish, very bad at business, unfamiliar with US law and the Constitution, an embarrassment to the US, and probably destructive the Republican Party (my party), but he is not a Nazi

  • Well, you morons seem to think that if you ask the question enough times, it will become true.

  • No. He is an opportunist.

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