Fantasy Basketball Trade Advice?

Someone in my league is offering me Vince Carter, Raja Bell, and Jermaine O'neal for Michael Redd and Marcus Camby. I can't figure out if I should take it or not because of O'Neal's bum knee but I have Camby and its a miracle he hasn't had health issues yet this season. Then I can drop one of my crappier players.

If you want to check out my league and team, I am in Yahoo Public 50940 and the name of my team is "My Team Sucks"

Please give me some advice.


  • You cannot make this trade!!! I have Marcus Camby in one of my leagues and he basically makes my team. Blocks are an elite stat in fantasy and hard to come by. I would not trade Camby away for the caliber of players offered. If you were getting something decent like a top 10 player or even a Josh Smith type player then I would consider it. But do not make this trade. You are not getting enough in return. Raja Bell is horrible, we are just waiting for O'Neal to get injured and Vincanity is just OK. Don't do this trade.

  • I would NOT do it

    Marcus Camby has been a top 5 center this season and Michael Redd is a great scorer

    Raja Bell has been pretty mediocre this season and Jermaine O'Neal seems to be regressing

    Vince Carter is Vince Carter, great scorer, but not that great in everything else, he is basically just like Redd but Redd gets more 3's

  • dont do it

    jermaine is like you said, injury prone

    raja and vince is not worth giving up redd

    camby also avgs 12+ rebs and 2+ blocks

  • I don't know how to get into your league. How do I?

  • I don't know why you have'nt pulled the trigger yet!...DO IT!...The trade I mean

  • that would be a totol rip off for you, don't do the trade

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