Unique or Ordinary character names?

I was wondering whether you lot preferred having character's with ordinary names or unique names and why?


  • Unique, but to a point. I hate reading a book when the main character has a name I cant pronounce because I alwayss tumble over it and it interrupts the reading flow.

  • It depends mostly on the story. If the story is set in modern times, and it is an average dude, I don't think he should be called Zeus or Tabooger. I would prefer if they are called Michael or Lowell, or something more normal.

    Now, if for the story it makes sense that the guy or girl is called Wysiwyg, then go ahead. Weird numbers don't always make sense.

  • ordinary - when I'm reading, I don't want to interrupt the flow by some weirdo name that I have to stop & figure out how to pronounce.

  • it depends on their character.

    If she's a girly girl give her a sweet or feminine name

    if its a fantasy novel and a made up character then give it a more fantasy name.

    Just go with what you writing about and what sounds right!

    Could you help me? : http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AlLjv...

    My first question is for my book

  • It doesn't matter just as long as I can pronouns the name.




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