if catholics confess their sins to a priest...?

who do atheists confess their good deads to?


ok, it should be "deeds"... that's what i get for using spell check instead of proof reading ;)


  • The Devil? LOL

    since the religious are "good" they report to God through a priest and atheists are "bad" so they report their "good deeds" to the devil.

  • Catholics do not confess their sins to a priest, but to God. The Priest is merely God's Representative on Earth. Only GOD forgives the sins. THe priest merely facilitates this.

  • Socities. They feel the need to let everyone know all the wonderful things they do since they don't think they will be awarded after life since they do not believe in God, or any higher power for that matter.

  • I don't know I am a Baptist and I confess my sins to Jesus

    Christ, the one who saved my soul.

  • No one. They don't need to. Plus, I doubt they believe in actual "sin," so in their eyes, they have nothing to confess.

  • we don't need to confess our good deeds ... everyone already knows we are awesome. we don't want to rub it in. that would be mean lol

  • Good deeds? In what case would that happen?

  • a fellow atheist or perhaps to anyone who isn't judgmental and is eager to listen.

  • I don't understand the connection.

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