My dad never compliments me?

My dad never tells me what I do is good, everything is always so f**king negative! I don't think he really likes me as a son, in fact I think he hates me! I'm good at making stuff, arts and crafts is my hobby, but he wants me to join a football club and s**t! He's always telling me he's disappointed in my choices. I'm only 22, and still figuring everything out, but he's always ranting at me! I have to do this, I should be doing that!! It's just like F**k OFF!! I do you cope with this? Is it emotional abuse?


I should state, I make pottery and stuff, that's what I meant by arts and crafts.


  • You're 22, so tell your dad you don't see eye to eye on things, but as a man, you will live your life how you best see fit. It's possible emotional abuse, but it's more likely that your dad is a bit old school and looking out for you in his own way. If he didn't care, he wouldn't be trying to get you to do things. You don't have a hug giving dad, but many people don't. You need to understand that you won't be changing him, and at this point, he won't be changing you. If you don't like it, at 22 you can jump out there, start a career, and move out. Show him that you're a man by taking care of yourself and making the decisions that are best for you, and that will likely earn some respect from him. If it's that bad, you can also just limit or eliminate contact with him.

  • yes, its emotional abuse and maybe you should move out so you dont have to cope with it

  • you are over 18 you need to get your own life and get away from the verbal abuse. Just move out.

  • It’s him wanting to live his life through you. Move out and have a happy life.

  • At the age of 22, you no longer have to associate with him. Change addresses and phone numbers, and don't give him the contact info, and unfriend him on social media. Problem solved.

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