Can you translate a piano instrumental into sheet music by ear?

Here's the song. It's for a talent show, and I really want to play it, but I can only read sheet music. I can't play by ear. Thanks! :)


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  • Sorry- the music shown- the fist one isn't chordal so it won't sound like it is written and the second one doesn't have complete chords. They're not too hard to play as written- can you read sheet music? that's a good place to start- then just work through it slowly until you know it of the top of your head. As for not knowing how to play it on the piano- simply play the bass part with your left hand (the lines go G B D F A, and the spaces go ACEG - bottom to top) and the melody (treble) with your right hand (you should know the lines and spaces of the treble clef- FACE and E G B D F) the Sharps and Flats are the black keys- # that's sharp and the 'b' like symbol is a flat... Sorry i couldn't offer more help :/ Good Luck :)

  • From the album notes: The music was played by ear, as he could not read music, and not written down.

    Album Notes -

    Tom Van Dorn is a primarily self-taught musician who started playing guitar and piano in his early teens. From blues and boogie jams, he progressed to composing his own songs on both instruments, although most recently focusing much more on acoustic piano compositions. Never having learned to read piano music, his natural musical talent as a player and writer is, nonetheless, impossible to miss with just one listen to this CD; he does not sound like anyone else.

  • Yeah, but I'm not going to.

    I believe you could do it with a little effort. There aren't many chord changes.

    ... or more you might even get chord changes to speed you along if you get on Tom Van Dorn's Facebook site. (Yes, it exists.)

  • There are several people in this section who have the ability to do so, myself included, but no one does it for free.

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