Why are conservatives so paranoid?

Its so obvious they dont want Obama to take theyre guns because he's black, its obvious they're scared of black people after Django came out. Why are conservatives so paranoid? More guns equals more crime that's just common sense, we need to live in a society where only the Police and Government have guns because they know whats best and I trust them more then my neighbors. These right wing loons are traitors, the Founding father makes it very clear Government is here to protect us like a Big Brother, or a Nanny if you will. They think the New World Order is real and NDAA, and the FEMA camps they need to stop watching Glenn beck lol. Everything is going to be fine with Obama in charge, hes going to turn the economy around, he already killed Bin laden with his own two hands, and he stopped all the wars just like he said he would, what more do you rednecks want? Why are you conservatives so miserable?


@Pepper OMG conspiracy theorist! conspiracy theorist! TIn foil hat! etc. Lol im trolllin bro.

Update 3:

@Joan No im a real Obama supporter, this is how we all think, we all think the same because we want to live in Orwells "1984". We must take the guns and round up the Patriots into Re-education camps, this is all for the greater good.


  • Perhaps paranoid is the wrong word to use. An extreme level of caution is called for -and regardless of one's political affiliation- when faced with a government which is working over-time in an effort to convert your rights into privileges. Privileges which can then be legislated and regulated. Diligence is called for when our government decides that it is better at making previously personal decision than is the individual.

    Ask yourself what is next when we have a government which has already decided that we are not responsible enough to handle our own retirement or our own health care.


  • Sadly, NDAA is real. Its a bill and you can find it and read it.

    New World Order already exists. Its called the UN. The entire world (with the exception of those non member countries) is their jurisdiction.

    FEMA camps are real. Have you seen any of the videos? You can't make a camp like this and hide it, specially with today's somewhat informed society.

    Obama did not kill Bin Laden with his own two hands.

    Everyone craves power and/or money. Do you think police officers and government agents are the exception?

  • I think there's a tremendous likelihood that it can be true. I wasn't too involved about it the day before today, however i am form of freaked out about it at present. Any one on YA emailed me to claim they intercepted a call to a radio station from a panicked, unidentified caller warning that the us army were transferring truck numerous this virus. This flu pressure is undoubtedly engineered. No query about that! These ruling elites pulled off September 11 and not using a hitch, so i don't put something prior them anymore. They have got an EVIL agenda.

  • Are you saying Obama played Django because only Django could have choked the life out of Osama with his little fingers and Jesuss wasn't a white guy but a Jew from Egypt and Morsi isn't really a Democrat but a Republican instead.

    I don't know. Maybe there are some weird drugs in all that tea they smoke at their T-Parties.

  • Have you paid any attention a t all to the patriot act, where it started and what it has become ( that no one intended). Please enlighten as to why you think it is that, based on what the govt did with its new found power in a few short yrs where the patriot act is concerened, why they wouldn't repeat that behavior with more power over guns

    Add: bush passed it, Obama extended its life and expanded its scope. It doesn't matter which party is in charge, the govt is going to take new powers to places where no one intended. You libbies need to wake up and stop with the partisan bullshit

  • A country where people trust the government more than they trust their neighbors, in my opinion, is not worth preserving.

    The good news is that such a country has no hope of being free. They will all end up serfs or worse slaves.

    Hope that helps.

  • Another troll, trying to say that these are things that Democarts/Obama supporters/liberals want, but you would be incorrect

  • I stop reading at your first sentence.NO ITS NOT BECAUSE HE IS BLACK.I have the right to my firearms and he doesn't have the right to take them.End of story.SHORT and sweet unlike your ramble.

  • Mentally defective.

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