Why do people hate emos?

why do people hate emo?not all of them cut them selfs and are depressed or pretend to be depressed I go through hell every day with people saying go kill yourself and getting things throwen at me and this is by people who dont even know me!


  • what the hell is EMO!! when i was in HS i used to hear that word a lot. but wtf does it mean? your emotional, isnt the whole world emotional! im sorry but i hate that word.

  • I don't hate emos.. I mean I don't like it that some of them cut them selves. But if they want to then they can. I mean I am not an emo I am you could say a prep, but still very sporty. but I hang out with an emo.. not outside of school.. because she drinks and stuff.. and I have to much to look forward to when I get older.. and I don't want to get ulcers and stuff so I dont do those things.. If I were you I would try to just ignore them because when I ignore my brother when he is doing something to me he ussually stops.. and so maybe once they notice that it isnt bothering you they will stop. I am so sorry that this is happening to you. I hope this helps you out!

  • Well, those people are jerks. A big hug to you, and ignore them, because you probably won't even remember their names when you leave high school. Who are they, really, in the big scheme of things? They hate what they don't understand. Be yourself, and LOVE YOU for all that you are, no matter what that is right now. You have to live with yourself the longest, so it doesn't make any sense to hate yourself. I stand by my belief that as humans, we are all a little bit "emo", because humans are emotional beings.

    Chin up. You will be stronger for surviving their voluntary retardation.;D

  • 98% of people are pretty stereotypical.

    When people think of emo, they think about people cutting themselves and being depressed.

    In general, that's only the case with some people.

    But some people that are emo can get really emotional when they're mad and when they're sad.

    That's really what it is.

    And if people are saying those things to you, then they're being judgemental. They're only

    looking at you for being emo. But really, that's wrong.

    Even though it's easier said than done, IGNORE THEM.

  • i have no problem with anybody and that is a 100 percent honest statement, but i will say that "emo" people do come off as anti-conformists who represent conformity. they don't want to be like "everyone else" so they go and dress alike? i wouldnt make it an issue if you didnt claim to hate cliques and being like everyone else. now that emo is mainstream, you become exactly what your supposedly against.

  • i feel sorry for you

    but normally emos do cut themselves or think about death all the time. i should know my mate is one and she cuts herself often.

    to everyone who doesnt know what an emo is, its an emotional rocker who self-harms and listens to rock and is normally is self-consicious about they're body.

  • i don't know, but i like their fashion... i'm just afraid to have their haircut and clothes coz of the very things you said... you know? emos in my country are cool and are really treated with respect.. well, no emos in my country CUTS themselves or anything...

  • Because emos are hypocrites. They are not musics but they want to be admitted as musics. How do we categorise emo? No note, no meaning, no harmony. That's all

  • its just a stereotype, and small minded people cant get to grips with that-the same way im still referred to as a 'dumb' blonde just because i have blonde hair-people disreguard the fact im at university and have prospects and aspirations.my best advice is IGNORE THEM small minded people are not worth the worry, your not a bad person nor should you be bullied just because people are ignorant!

  • Like you said, because they do not know you!

    Think about it, and you may end up feeling sorry for them..

    Also think how strong you are,...

    what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger!

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