um, do most guys do this this easily...?

whenever someone asks a question about 'how to tell if a guy likes you,' there's always that someone that says 'look at his pants.' i kind of roll my eyes a little. but then i had a situation of my own. i had said something to this guy i think is hot, and as im standing there near him like 2 minutes later, yes, there was something in his pants. now, i have no idea if it had anything to do with me or not, i do catch him staring and glancing at me alot, and i had just talked to him. but can that happen to a guy that easily? is it a possibility that it was because of me, or am i just off the wall crazy?

thanks <3



  • Wasn't he embarassed? I would be! It's never happened to me. But what people have said far is right, it could be you, but it really doesn't have anything to do with him "liking you" as a person, so be careful. It depends what you're after.

    As a guy, I would say the better indication that he likes you is that he keeps looking at you. That's a pretty safe bet with guys, he either likes you or you have some kind of physical feature he finds intriguing lol!

  • If you got close to him to say whatever you said, or if you slightly touched Or he could just be excited to be close to you and YES, it WAS probably because of YOU and YES., you ARE off the wall crazy. Most guys between about 12-13 to about 35 are like that.

  • i think that this guy really likes you and you should try to go for it but if you really like this guy you should be looking at this guys pants you should be lookimg at his eyes so if you guys ever really start to go together you dont want the first thing to be on his mind is sex! so this guy does like you cause it doesnt happen that easy ok try it out see what happens between you to and if he makes you do something you dont want to do then stop find some one else

  • Guys are easily aroused. It could have been from you or from something he was thinking about. By the way, that's not how a guy indicates that he likes you. It's an indication that he lusts after you and wants to have sex with you. A guy wants to have sex with many women, but it doesn't mean that he likes them at all.

  • All right ladies keep your eyes above the waist....You probably got his attention and he likes you. Ask him for coffee at Starbucks. You buy him a Nice Latte and sit and talk. It's a nice safe way to start.

    Don't rattle him if he is shy.

    Good Luck

  • Yes it happens all the time to guys that easily and quickly. it was probably you. Sometimes it can happen though with just a thought.

  • i think the method ur choosing isnt entirely correct ... the guy may fin u nice n sexy ... but may nt exactly hv the feelin of "liking". so i suggest u find out other means to find if a guy "likes" u

  • depends on the situation but generally yea it's that easy...

  • yeah it can be easy

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