brainless driver!?

i've just seen someone using a mobile and smoking. at several times he had no hands on the wheel.

can there be anyone more brainless (or ignorant) on the roads?


  • I know what you mean. I hate it when someone throws a cigarette out the window (I mean don't most cars come with ashtrays!?!). Also, it's usually van drivers who I see on their mobiles who don't usually slow down to give way at roundabouts (seen many near misses). Just between you and me, I think they breed these people somewhere with not much light.

  • Fortunately there are laws being enforced all over on the use of a cell phone while driving. And i might add you could have taken down the person plate number and file a complaint with the local police.....a citizens arrest if you will. Not sure smoking is the issue however taking your hands off the steering for any reason is crazy Like Lady's doing there make up while driving almost got hit a week ago base on that one, my fav is rubber neckers looking at anything except where they are going.

  • Oh there are plenty. I drive 5000 miles per week and you wouldn't believe the things that I have seen. Mobile and cigarette. HaHa that is nothing. Try this one on. Computer (laptop) opened and running, reading some kind of paper, talking on the cell phone and typing. Oh yeah did I mention he was going 70 miles and hour.

  • You've only just seen someone doing that have you?

    The driver of the bus service I MUST use EVERY DAY to get too and from work does that SEVERAL TIMES A DAY, and FALLS ASLEEP at the wheel while speeding. SERIOUSLY.

  • Don't get me started on this one...

    ... I might never stop ranting if you do!

    In 2003 I was tail-ended by a bloke on a mobile phone, when I stopped at the roundabout and he didn't. His excuse was "you don't normally stop at this roundabout"

    Unfortunately for me, the accident happened 2 weeks before the ban, but he did get done for dangerous driving and lost his licence, but only for 6 months. Unfortuantely for me, I have been left for serious nerve damage in my right arm, caused simply by the force, and have limited use of my fingers now...

  • I once saw a man, after an accident, slumped behind the wheel of his car. His head, severed by the broken windshield, was found some 25 feet in front of the car. Clutched in his right hand was his trusty cell phone, his widow's voice still jabbering away.

  • Yes. The ones who do the same as you describe, but with children in the car.... even worse, when the kids are not strapped in.

    I hate to see kids standing on a back seat looking out waving at cars.... Have the adults gone mad???

  • lol dont think is haing a smoke while driving i dont surpose is that bad to be honest but to be on the phone just on its own always gets my back up, when mine goes i always wait till i get home or stop in a parking place and return the call so it really bugs me watching others on there mobiles when driving

  • Yes. Unfortunately there are many drivers who don't feel that an accident can happen to them. Everyone is capable of making a mistake, but asking for one to happen is totally different.

  • yeah you. Because you are looking at what they are doing instead of the road. You did not mention anything about their "driving" that affected anyone on the road, or did I miss something?

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