Review of my photos please?

I was going for a sort of abstract/dark/minimalistic visual style. Tell me what you honestly think.


  • Not bad. The only one I have a problem with is the last one. Not to be rude, I see what you were going for but I feel like it was unsuccessful. I really like the 3rd and 4th one. I'd suggest investing in a better camera though. You clearly have a good eye, just a lack of training. I think it would be worth it :)

  • Not bad. Nice work overall.

    But if you want constructive criticism...

    I would experiment with your aperture. A little too shallow on the DOF in my opinion. A nice gradient might be more interesting.

    Also some noise creeping into some of the shots... I would shoot at 100 or 200 ISO and use longer exposures to compensate.

    Also I think you can work on your crops a bit. Maybe shoot a littler farther back so you have some flexibility with the composition.

    The two typewriter shots were my personal fav's

    Nice work.... Keep on shooting.

  • Honestly ; photographer to photographer, They're great. Just some tips for the future for the type writer ; lay off the blur and stick to one section .. maybe they can spell something? Make the picture interesting for the person to see. That's just my opinion, but I do say they are good photos.

  • They are pretty good.Not that my opinion matters much,but perhaps a different theme with more color.Black & white is pretty nice,too!

  • the photos are alright nothing special although they are good starters but there is not much variety and they are a little boring sorry

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